Features of Patio HST made of wood and aluminium
Modern woodwork is distinguished above all by very good technical parameters and exceptional durability. It blends in perfectly with any interior style. Aluminium, on the other hand, is maintenance-free (no maintenance required), stable and lightweight. The combination of this material with natural wood in the wood-aluminium Patio HST results in a product that is both technologically and visually perfect. The lively atmosphere and excellent insulating properties of wood, combined with the durable, easy-care aluminium casing, create a unique product.
Wood-aluminium Patio HST
Wooden lift and slide doors with aluminium cladding are offered by MS Windows and Doors in three product lines. The available variants are Modern, Art and Classic. The mentioned options are shown in the following graphics.

The difference between the offered product lines is the appearance of the glazing bead. The variety of options makes it easy to create a structure that will match the aesthetics of the building as well as the preferred style of the interior.

Thicknesses of lift and slide doors sashes
In the case of wood-aluminium lift and slide structures, MS Windows and Doors offers two thicknesses of sashes – 68 and 80 mm. Both options are present in each of the three product lines presented above. This graphic illustrates the Patio HST in the Modern version, constructed from 80 mm thick profile.

Wood-aluminium Patio HST – opening schemes
Lift and slide doors with aluminium cladding are available in several opening schemes. They are shown in the graphics below.

Types of aluminium cladding
Patio HST from the MS Windows and Doors offer is equipped with aluminium cladding from renowned companies – Aluron and Gutmann. You can familiarise yourself with the available variants by using the sections below.

Thanks to two thicknesses of wooden profiles, it is possible to use glazed units with a thickness of 44 mm (wooden profile 68 mm) as well as 56 mm (wooden profile 80 mm). This significantly improves the thermal performance of the structure.
Variety of wood and cladding colours
The availability of a wide range of colours, as well as the possibility to choose from several types of wood, allows to create a wood-aluminium lift and slide doors fully matching the aesthetic requirements of customers. Each species of raw material has different parameters and a unique appearance. Combined with the almost unlimited possibilities for lacquering the cladding, this makes it possible to meet the most exacting demands for joinery.
Hardware for wood-aluminium Patio HST
The hardware used in the wood-aluminium lift and slide doors is almost identical to the components used in the wooden version. The doors are equipped with Siegenia brand elements. They are characterised by innovative solutions, which include the comfort gear. It guarantees smooth functioning of the sashes and, consequently, high comfort of lift and slide structures.

Aluminium threshold
An important element in Patio HST doors is the aluminium threshold. In the MS Windows and Doors offer there is a Siegenia Eco Pass threshold, appropriately matched to the joinery thickness. Its only protruding element is a 5 mm high running rail. It undoubtedly provides the convenience of using the wood-aluminium Patio HST.

There are ten chambers inside the threshold. This guarantees optimum thermal insulation. This means that the interior is protected against unwanted heat loss. The option of using a complementary profile, in combination with the previously mentioned running rail, allows a barrier-free passage (according to DIN 18040-2).

Adjustable bogie wheels
The sash weight of wood-aluminium lift and slide structures can be up to 400 kg. Because of this, there is a need for elements that facilitate the use of large-scale joinery. Adjustable bogie wheels are among such solutions.

Sealing rail
The very good tightness of wood-aluminium constructions results, among other things, from the use of a sealing rail. This element provides protection not only against wind and rain, but also against burglars. Supplementing the rails with several optional components guarantees burglary protection in class RC2. They allow easy adjustment of the sash. This is made possible by the use of adjustable hook presses. These elements effectively make it difficult to push out the sash.

The rails used in wood-aluminium lift and slide doors provide both vertical and horizontal insulation.

SOFT CLOSE mechanism
SOFT CLOSE is included as standard in the wood-aluminium Patio HST. This is a function of soft closing, which enables the sash to be braked and also gently placed into the frame. This mechanism also benefits the safety of the users of the structure. It undoubtedly facilitates the operation of large lift and slide doors.

The functioning of SOFT CLOSE is shown in the video below.
Handle colours
The visual aspect of the construction is determined not only by the profiles, but also by the accessories used. Among them there are, among others handles for HST . These allow to open, close and also lock the active sash of the wood-aluminium Patio HST. MS Windows and Doors offer includes, among others, handles with one-sided cylinder lock. They come in several colour versions.