Optimal use of the sun: mSun+ facade blinds

Summer hasn’t said its last word yet, and even though the weather is exceptionally capricious this year, the holiday sun will still visit us. And this, as we know, can be a pain not only in the summer but at any time of the year.

Large glazings are an inseparable element of contemporary architecture. They open up interiors to the beauty of the world around us and let precious sunlight into homes. In winter, this phenomenon significantly contributes to lower heating costs, allowing rooms to heat up naturally. However, in summer, the situation is reversed, and intense sunlight can turn interiors into real saunas.

Effective insulator

The solution that effectively copes with both summer heat and winter cold are the modern mSun+ facade blinds. Thanks to them, we can lower the interior temperature by up to 10°C on the hottest days, which is the result of using innovative insulation technology. Aluminum slats create a thermal barrier that reduces heat flow, providing comfort without the need to use excessive air conditioning.


In addition to the thermoregulation functions, mSun+ blinds also offer other practical advantages. Thanks to them, we can enjoy privacy in our homes, protecting ourselves from the curious glances of passers-by. Electric control allows easy adjustment of the slats to current weather conditions and personal preferences, which is extremely convenient, especially in homes with intelligent systems.


In addition, a wide range of colors and different slat patterns allow you to match the mSun+ blinds to any type of facade, emphasizing the modern character of the building. Weather resistance and a long-term warranty confirm the high quality and durability of the product.

Aluminum facade blinds mSun+ not only protect against excessive sunlight in summer and heat loss in winter, but also have a positive impact on the aesthetics and functionality of our homes. This is an innovative solution for those who seek harmony between nature and modernity, combining comfort with energy savings. Optimal use of the sun is more than a trend – it is a way of life that is worth considering in every construction project.

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