Table of contents:
Snow spray
It’s a simple and quick way to decorate a window. Such aerosols are easily available and even a child is able to create decorations with them. Stencils cut out of paper can be helpful – in this case, precision is important, because every detail will be visible on the glass. You can also put spruce twigs against the window and spray them to get a shape imitating a Christmas tree.
Another equally creative method is scratching. It is enough to spray the glass pane with artificial snow, and then “scratch” the decoration with brushes and cotton buds.
White marker and corrector
This is a solution for those who have a steady hand and a bit of talent – this method is less forgiving of mistakes because they are harder to remove. Here the glass becomes our Bristol board, and the white marker … let him draw whatever he likes, creating winter decorations for the window. This way gives us a lot of freedom, and at the same time allows us to keep details and focus on details. In this way you can draw not only Santa and a reindeer sled, but also a whole village of elves 😉
Such a white decoration will beautifully contrast, for example, with dark ALU LOOK window frames in Anthracite Satin, which will create a beautiful frame for this winter picture.

Baubles and lamps
They allow us to maintain consistency with other elements of decoration in our home. If we hang natural decorations on the Christmas tree, dried slices of oranges, lemons and grapefruits will work well in the window. If we additionally hang lamps on the curtain rods and make a curtain out of them, dried fruits will create atmospheric and fragrant stained glass windows.
As Christmas decorations for the window, hand-made paper ones will also work – e.g. large 3D stars cut out of glued paper lunch bags. Such decoration will harmonize well with Wood Look windows with wood-like veneer in TURNER OAK color.

They are probably the most accessible solution, because who doesn’t have white sheets of paper and cotton wool at home? Here, too, we are limited only by our imagination. By overlapping cut elements, you can gradate their transparency. If they are properly illuminated, e.g. by decorating a bush in front of the house with lamps, the view inside will be touching. Such a window decoration for Christmas will appeal to every household member and passers-by.
Garlands and wreaths
These are decorations that will not only decorate the interior, but – thanks to the use of live spruce branches – will make the house smell like a forest.
Here, manual skills will come in handy, because you have to put some effort into hanging a garland or making wreaths, but green twigs, additionally decorated with lights, will create a delightful Christmas atmosphere.